
Eco friendly house cleaning services in Didsbury
We also do ironing

Prices for house cleaning services in Didsbury and Didsbury Village

£44This is our standard charge for domestic house cleaning
2 cleaners for 1 hour, fully equipped – they will follow our notes and any particular requests you have on the day. There are no further charges of any sort.
The team will get to know your home and the things you need prioritising.
The regular bookings are every week, or every second week.
As far as possible we will arrange the clean with other clients nearby – to reduce green miles.

One hours work with two ladies is sufficient for most homes. If you require more time we sell additional time in multiples of thirty minutes.  That is two ladies for  one and a half hours which would be (£66) sixty six pounds, or two ladies for  two hours which would be (£88) eighty eight pounds etc.

We also do one off cleans such as end of tenancy  or spring cleans.

Contact us on 0161 491 4927 or complete the contact form.

Remember that Done and Dusted prices for house cleaning in Didsbury include all cleaning materials and items which are chemical free and eco-friendly.

We arrive to do your clean fully kitted out for the job. We will bring our own Hoover, mop , cloths and a tub of eco-friendly cleaning products.

If an oven clean is included, we will arrive with a soaking tray, oven cleaner and plenty of protective covering for your surfaces. The best thing though, our oven cleaner does not have a harsh chemical smell.